Most recent list at Google scholar . + denote equal contribution.
2024 The Role of Machine Learning in the Detection of Cardiac Fibrosis in Electrocardiograms: Scoping Review
Julia Handra, Hannah James, Ashery Mbilinyi , and 8 more authors
JMIR Cardio , 2024
@article { handra2024role ,
title = {The Role of Machine Learning in the Detection of Cardiac Fibrosis in Electrocardiograms: Scoping Review} ,
author = {Handra, Julia and James, Hannah and Mbilinyi, Ashery and Moller-Hansen, Ashley and O'Riley, Callum and Andrade, Jason and Deyell, Marc and Hague, Cameron and Hawkins, Nathaniel and Ho, Kendall and others} ,
journal = {JMIR Cardio} ,
volume = {8} ,
number = {1} ,
pages = {e60697} ,
year = {2024} ,
publisher = {JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
The State of Computer Vision Research in Africa
Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo, Ashery Mbilinyi , Lukman Ismaila, and 8 more authors
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research , 2024
@article { omotayo2024state ,
title = {The State of Computer Vision Research in Africa} ,
author = {Omotayo, Abdul-Hakeem and Mbilinyi, Ashery and Ismaila, Lukman and Turki, Houcemeddine and Abdien, Mahmoud and Gamal, Karim and Tondji, Idriss and Pimi, Yvan and Etori, Naome A and Matar, Marwa M and others} ,
journal = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research} ,
volume = {81} ,
pages = {43--69} ,
year = {2024} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
A Survey on African Computer Vision Datasets, Topics and Researchers
Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo, Ashery Mbilinyi , Lukman Ismaila, and 8 more authors
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.11617 , 2024
2023 Medical image retrieval for augmenting diagnostic radiology
Ashery Mbilinyi
University_of_Basel , 2023
@phdthesis { mbilinyi2023medical ,
title = {Medical image retrieval for augmenting diagnostic radiology} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery} ,
year = {2023} ,
school = {University\_of\_Basel} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
2022 CheReS: a deep learning-based multi-faceted system for similarity search of chest X-rays
Ashery Mbilinyi , and Heiko Schuldt
In Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing , 2022
@inproceedings { mbilinyi2022cheres ,
title = {CheReS: a deep learning-based multi-faceted system for similarity search of chest X-rays} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery and Schuldt, Heiko} ,
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing} ,
pages = {669--676} ,
year = {2022} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
2021 Retrieving chest X-rays for differential diagnosis: A deep metric learning approach
Ashery Mbilinyi , and Heiko Schuldt
In 2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) , 2021
@inproceedings { mbilinyi2021retrieving ,
title = {Retrieving chest X-rays for differential diagnosis: A deep metric learning approach} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery and Schuldt, Heiko} ,
booktitle = {2021 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)} ,
pages = {1--4} ,
year = {2021} ,
organization = {IEEE} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
2020 Cross-modality medical image retrieval with deep features
Ashery Mbilinyi , and Heiko Schuldt
In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) , 2020
@inproceedings { mbilinyi2020cross ,
title = {Cross-modality medical image retrieval with deep features} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery and Schuldt, Heiko} ,
booktitle = {2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)} ,
pages = {2632--2639} ,
year = {2020} ,
organization = {IEEE} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
2017 Estimation and Adaptation Method for Students’ Learning Styles on Web-based Learning Environment
Ashery Mbilinyi , Shinobu Hasegawa, and Akihiro Kashihara
The Ninth International Conference on Mobile,Hybrid, and On-line Learning , 2017
@article { mbilinyi2017estimation ,
title = {Estimation and Adaptation Method for Students’ Learning Styles on Web-based Learning Environment} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery and Hasegawa, Shinobu and Kashihara, Akihiro} ,
journal = {The Ninth International Conference on Mobile,Hybrid, and On-line Learning} ,
pages = {9} ,
year = {2017} ,
show_bib = {true} ,
2016 Design for Adaptive User Interface for Modeling Students’ Learning Styles
Ashery Mbilinyi , Shinobu Hasegawa, and Akihiro Kashihara
In Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services: 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016 Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings, Part II 18 , 2016
@inproceedings { mbilinyi2016design ,
title = {Design for Adaptive User Interface for Modeling Students’ Learning Styles} ,
author = {Mbilinyi, Ashery and Hasegawa, Shinobu and Kashihara, Akihiro} ,
booktitle = {Human Interface and the Management of Information: Applications and Services: 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016 Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings, Part II 18} ,
pages = {168--177} ,
year = {2016} ,
organization = {Springer} ,
show_bib = {true} ,